Code of Principles
First Do No Harm - I am dedicated to guiding and supporting my clients and students to the best of my ability and committed to acting in their best interests at all times. I am committed to my duty of care for my clients and mindful to do good and prevent harm.
Honour Client Student’s Journey - I support my clients’ and students’ capacity to learn and experiment and honour them as the experts in their life and business.
Life long learning - I am committed to my own continuing professional development and learning, in maintaining and deepening my professional skills and knowledge and staying up to date with developments, theories and practices in my specialist areas and fields of expertise.
Act with Integrity - I act with integrity in my professional standards and client care, in my relationships with my clients and students, my colleagues, contractors and collaborators, my training and professional bodies. I aim to act in a manner which is fair, honest and trustworthy at all times.
Be Congruent - I live in accordance with my beliefs, values and ethics and seek to be congruent in my professional and personal life. I am committed to walking my talk and being authentic in my philosophies and practices.
Personal and Emotional Growth - I am dedicated to my own personal development and emotional growth and to seeking the guidance and support that I need in order to be able to serve my clients and students in the best possible way.
Strive for Excellence - I aim for excellence in the level of service that I provide and in maintaining the highest professional standards in the practices and modalities that I use with my clients and students.
Client Care - I act in a professional manner and provide my clients and students with appropriate information, guidance and support as necessary. I maintain professional boundaries and have a clearly defined procedure for resolving disputes or issues that may arise.
Discernment - I act with discernment in choosing who I work with and the tools and practices that use. I am conscious to ensure that I do not discriminate and strive to ensure that my systems and procedures are compliant and transparent.
Confidentiality - I maintain client and student confidentiality by ensuring that no information is shared without my their explicit consent or as required by law. I ensure that client and student records are stored securely and that I seek appropriate advice from my professional body or lawyer before destroying client records.
Wellbeing - I choose to take care of my own mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic wellbeing so that I can be of the highest service to my clients. For me wellbeing includes self-care, community care and earth care.
Cultivate networks and professional support - I seek to maintain professional relationships with my peers and with those in other modalities. I recognise that others have differing views, practices, approaches and systems that I can learn from and that peer support is essential to good practice.
Honour the sacred privilege of this work - it is my intention to always privilege my client’s and student’s wellbeing as collective care, and to be of service in the best way that I can and to seek appropriate help and support when necessary in order to honour my client and students, myself and my modalities.
September 2023:
Current professional body: Protect Level Member of Foyht, Association of Independent Therapists & Practitioners
Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability Insurance: BGi UK